Check Out Deez Michigan 5 Tees Cuz We Got 'em!
When it comes to tees to match your Michigan 5s, we got 'eeem! Yea, that was corny but who cares man. We got you covered... even with a fresh tee with the word INSPIRE upside down just like it is on the inside of the tongues. Yeah, we did that! What?! Our Elite Sneaker Society tee even has our own TEAM logo on it similar to the one on the back of the shoes. We always try to match to the tee... get it?? to the "tee" lol. Okay, I'll quit with the jokes for now. I know you're probably crying laughing but I can't give you all of my best content lol. I do have these fresh tees for you though so go ahead and click here and we'll see you at checkout.
Signing off here... your favorite "Sneaker Tee Pioneer",