Jordan 1 Gym Red Sneaker Tees... Boom! You're welcome!
We got 'em! Tees to match your Jordan 1 "Gym Red". Before I say anything else, let me start off by saying that I'm a huge fan of Jordan 1s. They're actually my favorite model because they look so good on my feet. I've had some really dope ones that I've sold and I regret selling them to this day. One pair I really regret selling is the Shattered Backboards. To make matters worst, the scum bag who bought them from me online tried to scam me and say he never received them so I had to straighten that situation out which was a bit of a headache. Anyways, I'm sure you really don't wanna hear me talk your head off about that crap. You're looking for tees to match your Gym Red 1s right?? Right... so I'll shut up now and let you go ahead and click here to browse our collection and we'll see you at checkout.
Signing off here... your favorite "Sneaker Tee Pioneer",
Photo Credit: Sneaker Freaker